staff shortage

In a world where most industries are struggling for staff, nowhere is this more so than in catering.

But the question is why? Is it too simple to blame Brexit or Covid, or are there other forces at work?

In a world after Covid, with more emphasis on a work/ life balance, is this the reason why there is such a shortage? Why aren’t the youngsters coming forward or aren't they prepared to undertake the hardships that are required to reach the pinnacle of the hospitality world. Or are we all just too pampered? Furthermore should the industry take a long hard look at itself and wonder whether they are in some part responsible.

The industry has always been regarded as badly paid, with long hours. It is also seen as merely a stepping stone to something else. Could something have been done earlier to change this image? For every company that thought of four day weeks and provided incentives for their staff, weren't there many more, who were happy to pay a pittance to their staff, with little regard for their welfare. Now we see jobs advertised, with a whole host of benefits, in an attempt to fill the gap, but shouldn’t this have been done sooner? How many of you stayed in staff accommodation, not fit for purpose, or never received a penny of your tips. I always wonder from all those students, who attended my illustrious hotel school in Switzerland, how many actually stayed in the industry?


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